Long, long awaited ColdSpring updates!
Ok, it's been a while I admit, and I have been pretty damn quiet up in this here blog, however, I have a serious new goal. That goal is a ColdSpring 1.2 release, and it's going to be SOON!. So, to that end, I'm just going to post my activity so you know where we're at.
I have committed 2 fixes that should make Mark Mandel and Barney B really happy. CSP-84 has been fixed, which is a problem where setting lazy-init to false does nothing at all. (Ooops it was never implemented, sorry...). You can now define the lazy initialization on a per bean basis with the lazy-init attribute, or set the global default by specifying default-lazy-init on the root bean element. CSP-83 was a semi bug that actually resulted in extraneous try/catching, but basically I had a bug that made it a little difficult to create custom factories. This is different than defining one bean as a factory for another bean with the factory-bean attribute. If you register a bean that extends coldspring.beans.factory.FactoryBean, that bean will automatically have getObject() called on it when you call getBean(). This can really come in handy for some advanced configuration. I know Mark Mandel was working with it, but ran into some bugs. But it is now fixed, happy day!
OK, that's it for right now, there is A LOT more to come...
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